inSSIDer(WiFi检测器) v1.2.0.708 PC中文汉化版
inSSIDer(WiFi检测器)PC中文汉化版是一款无线网络信号扫描工具,它可以让你知道自己的WIFI接入点是否与相近的其他网络由冲突从而影响其稳定性和速度,或者是知道是否有人安装了欺诈性的接入点。通过这个软件,即可轻松选择无线信号强、网络稳定、信道不拥挤的最佳无线网络热点。 软件官方介绍 Scan the Wi-Fi networks around you and track their signal strength over time. inSSIDer scans all the Wi-Fi networks within the reach of your computer’s wireless card, tracks their signal strength over time, and determines their security settings. You can track open or secure wireless networks, or determine the best channel for your own wireless network. Use the Networks Table to view all nearby access points and their details. See Received Signal Strength, Security, Channel, Hardware Vendor, Max Rate, Network Type, and MAC Address for each access point. The columns in inSSIDer’s network table can be reordered by dragging its header to the desired position. Each column can also be resorted by clicking the header. Use the 2.4 GHz and 5GHz Channels buttons to display visible wireless networks and the channels they are broadcasting on. Use the Time Graph to view the strength of nearby access points. You can select one, two, or all three views. Click on any network listed in the table and the associated time graph line below will become bold in all selected views, helping you identify a single network amongst many. A green WiFi icon indicates which network your computer is currently connected to. FEATURES Simple, Easy to Use Interface Quick Wi-Fi Tracking 2.4 and 5GHz Channel Views Signal Strength Over Time View Full-Screen View 小编推荐 如果你还在为WIFI容易掉线,网速不稳定而烦恼,那么赶紧下载本软件来检测一下是否和邻居家的WIFI冲突了吧。 |