APKPure v1.5.0 for Android 官方下载

2017-04-27 15:04:51
6.5 MB
无病毒 无广告 无插件 无隐私收集


APKPure v1.5.0 for Android 官方下载
APKPure v1.5.0 for Android 官方下载

  – New optimized and more use-friendly UI design for APKPure Management page.

  – Add notification service for APKPure, never miss any update or important message again.

  – Fix APKPure App bugs to improve stability and the download speed.v1.4.0

  – Add Google+ and Twitter third-party login.

  – Support comment larger image previews and download.

  – Add “Edit Function” for user profile, you can edit nickname, birthday, gender, etc.

  – Fix APKPure App bugs to improve stability and the download speed.

APKPure 下载地址
