ANSYS v17.0 License官方免费版
ANSYS17.0破解文件是一款专门为ANSYS17.0软件提供的破解文件,ANSYS17.0破解文件简单方便可以完美的帮助你破解激活你的CAD软件,经过激活后才可以完美的运行ANSYS17.0,软件侠小编主推各位下载! 使用教程 1. Install ANSYS Products 16.0. Do not install ANSYS License Manager 2. Copy folders “Shared Files” and “v160” to 《ANSYS progdir》 (by default C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\ and overwrite original ones Note: if you install ANSYS Products 16.0 in not default folder ( C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\) you need to open in text editor file 。.\Shared Files\Licensing\ansyslmd.ini and edit path to copied from crack license file by default in ansyslmd.ini path is written as C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\Shared Files\Licensing\license.dat 3. Enjoy |