Substance Painter v2.0.3 官方免费版
Substance Painter2.0.3中文版破解版是一个全新的三维纹理材质绘画制作软件,包含有Substance Painter材质包免费下载,Substance Painter2被公认为最具创新和用户友好的三维纹理材质绘画制作软件,软件侠小编主推各位下载使用! 软件特色 1、实时涂料,充分的材质 在Substance Painter2工具包中选择你的画笔,选择材质,如果需要调整它,然后开始画! 每个冲程同时应用于所有通道,并渲染是瞬时的,使之成为最交互式3D画家那里。 涂料在一个网状多个材质,每个地图将高达4K的分辨率。 2、新一代视窗 Substance Painter2可以预览你的画在基于物理的(PBR)视精确材料的反馈。 创建使用最佳的光学效果的技术之一,加入抗锯齿,色彩校正,自由度,眩光,开花和更多资产的美丽照片。 3、粒子刷 Substance Painter2软件可以帮助你在对象上乱扔脏物,火灾,甚至让它下雨,观看逼真的效果风化实时展开! 任何材料可以用粒子刷子涂而且这些设置可以调整,以变化的无穷大。 高级用户还可以通过Substance Painter2来利用爆米花FX提供的编辑器自己的粒子。 4、使用任何渲染着色器 导入自己的自定义着色器和创建自己的渠道进行绘图。您也可以使用预建的着色器,如标准的PBR(基于物理)或非真实感渲染着色器,我们提供的连一个,像一个简单的卡通着色器。 更新日志 添加: [Shelf] Improve search system and queries [Shelf] Add search field for mini-shelves [Shader] Allow to define step precision for sliders [Shader] Add an Undo/Redo button for shader parameters [Shader] Reloading a shader should not reset its parameters [MatLayering] Add support for Dynamic Material Layering and sub-stacks [MatLayering] Allow to import json file to setup the shader settings [MatLayering] Unlock texture samplers limit (switch to Bindless textures) [Scripting] Allow to set bakers settings and launch their computation [Substance] Use “usage” for inputs/outputs connections in addition of identifiers [Tool] Allow to select the preview channel in the viewport for the Projection Tool 修复 : Crash during launch if substances are located in wrong folder Crash report sometimes doesn‘t work because of incorrect log file [Iray] Post effects don’t refresh when Iray is paused [Iray] Auto-focus shortcut doesn‘t work anymore [Iray] Aperture slider behavior change depending of asset size [Layers] First material channel is not enabled by default if they are all disabled [Shader] No errors are printed if a “param auto” is incorrect Know Issue : [Mac] Substance Painter 2 Texture samples limit is locked at 16 (GPU driver issue) |