虚荣v1.21.0 ios版
【游戏简介】 《Vainglory(虚荣)》该作由开发商 Super Evil Megacorp 推出,之所以备受关注,是因为制作团队中的开发者基本来自于暴雪、Rockstar,以及《英雄联盟》的开发/发行商 Riot。 这是一款比肩 DOTA 和 LOL 辉煌的史诗级 MOBA,《Vainglory(虚荣)》采用大家熟悉的魔幻风世界背景以及英雄设定,3V3 的联网对战模式能能让习惯了此类 MOBA 的玩家迅速上手。 【游戏特色】 -休闲乐趣的所有和技能驱动的排名游戏 -不断增长的25 +英雄名单解锁和主人 -收集卡解锁英雄的皮肤和收集“阳光”的独家奖励。 为移动平台内置的精密触摸屏控制 -超高逼真度的世界 深的策略和可玩性 实时播放和对机器人或活的球员 与朋友聚会或观看比赛在观众模式。 通过e.v.i.l.发动机驱动(每秒60帧,sub-30ms控制反应) 苹果设计奖和更多的荣誉 在推特深和活跃的社区,抽搐和Reddit “这是一个最好的多人游戏体验。虚荣是一个完全合法的MOBA经验,可以任何时间在你的手掌 【版本更新】 What‘s New in Version 1.21.0 == NEW HERO: SAMUEL == - Highly mobile dark mage who not only controls zones … but also breaks them. - Wields two wands with gunslinger-like speed - Abilities include AOE damage, energy/health drains and sleep effects == UPCOMING SKINS == - Summer Party Kestrel - Broken Doll Alpha Tier II - North Wind Reim Tier III == UPDATE 1.21 SKINS SALE == - Summer Party Kestrel 50% off! - Broken Doll Alpha Tier II 25% off! - North Wind Reim Tier III 25% off! - Ends Aug. 29. Get ’em now. == GAMEPLAY CHANGES== - Improvements to Petal, Blackfeather, Koshka & more - Strengthened Protector Contract, Dragonblood Contract & Serpent Mask == NEW QUESTS == - Added more video & bot quests == BUG FIXES == - Significant improvements and fixes to Petal’s munion AI (Silly pets!) - Fixed a bug where Krul’s heroic perk would visually appear to be permanently activated - Fixed bugs for Skaarf’s Dragon’s Breath, Fortress’ wolves, SAW’s gun barrel and ambient gold - Fixed a bug where targeting rings would stay up for activatable items - Fixed a bug where bots would buy multiple pairs of boots (Silly bots!) |