【游戏介绍】 守护者2手游iOS版是NIVAL新推出的一款 TD 作品,守护者2的史诗故事背景和精致细腻的3D画面十分出彩,玩法上也没有无节操地照搬《王国保卫战》,而是重新设计了一种有趣的养成思路,关卡任务更是多种多样。 【游戏特色】 守护者2的基本玩法和一般塔防游戏并没有太大的区别,同样是在每一关卡的地图内,根据地形、敌人行走路线、炮塔类型等情况设计战术并建造炮塔,以抵御敌人的入侵。游戏将时下流行的卡牌元素融入其中,游戏中的每种炮塔、陷阱、法术等都是需要玩家收集的魔法卡牌,玩家可以通过每个关卡胜利后获得的货币购入强力的卡牌。 游戏的作战过程显得相对复杂一些,玩家需要统筹全局,做好支出平衡工作,尽可能多地收集各类卡牌。可以说在策略的运用上要比传统塔防更高,喜欢塔防的朋友一定不要错过。 【版本更新】 What‘s New in Version 1.5.3 1.5.3 Fixed the critical bugs on iPhone 5/5C/5S/SE 1.5.2 Defenders, it’s time to update! Meet in the new version: significant game balance changes and a lot of bug fixes! BALANCE - Increased Ice Tower‘s damage to Creeps having auras. - Increased damage of Totem Bane, Detonator and Lightning Tower. - Increased speed of Hornet Hive damage over time. - Increased damage of Mine Trap, Sun Rays, Magic Light and Target. - Increased lifetime of Poison Cloud, Ice Storm, Magma and Tempest - Increased max counters of few magic cards. - Purifier tower now correctly selects all targets. - Decreased prime cost of Toxic Tower. - Decreased difficulty of Ghosts and Golems in the first battles against it. - Flaming Cannon’s evolution cost now has correct value. FIXES - Fixed an issue when in some cases players can not see their Help Desk tickets. - Viewing the video will no longer cause the game crash. - Fixed several bugs related to the disappeares textures. - Fixed a problem with saving the latest progress in the case of an emergency exit from the game. - Fixed UI errors and text errors. |