Sandboxie v5.08 正式版
高手裸奔首选工具沙盘Sandboxie 现已更新至v5.08 正式版!这次主要修复了多个崩溃和某些程序不能强制入沙的问题。5.0版主要实现了对Win10的完美支持,大大提升了软件启动速度。附上破解补丁及图文教程! Sandboxie是国外出品的,经典优秀的共享版沙盘工具,个人可以免费试用。它就像它的名字沙盘一样,只要在此环境中运行的软件,浏览器或注册表信息等等都可以完整的进行清空,不留一点痕迹。同时可以防御一些带有木马或者病毒的恶意网站!对于经常测试软件或者不放心的软件,可放心在沙盘里面运行!
更新日志: http://sandboxie.com/index.php?VersionChanges 2016.02.17 Sandboxie 5.08 Final x32/x64 -Improvements to application startup. Applications start faster and Windows 10 race conditions have been fixed. -A problem with splwow64.exe in Win 8.1+ 64 bit has been fixed. If a user printed from inside the sandbox using a 32 bit app, printing outside the sandbox would no longer work. -office 2013 in Windows 10 is working under Sandboxie again. -F12 Developer Tools now works in IE-11. -In rare instances, SandboxieRpcSs.exe or SandboxieDcomLaunch.exe would not end when all other applications had exited. -A file named c:\program.exe no longer prevents SandboxieRpcSs.exe from starting. -The known conflicts list in templates.ini has been updated. -Fixed wrong Windows version # reported for Windows 8.1 (e.g. with http://whatsmyuseragent.com/). Windows 8.1 was reported as Windows 8.0. -Windows 10 fast ring build 14251 “IsHungAppWindow” hook issue. -Fixed rare Chrome 64 error SBIE2303 Could not hook VerifyCatalogFile (888). |