S12主题曲中英文对照歌词分享 S12主题曲Star Walkin'歌词展示
S12主题曲中英文对照歌词分享?有很多小伙伴不知道S12主题曲歌词,其实小编也不太清楚S12主题曲歌词,那么下面就让我们一起来了解一下S12主题曲歌词中英文对照吧。 S12主题曲中英文对照歌词分享Don't ever say it's over I'm breathin. 一息尚存,永不言弃 Racing to the moon light and l'm speedin. 朝着月光,不断加速 I'm heading to the star. 冲向那颗星 Ready to go far. 已整装待发 I'm star walkin. 我在星辰漫步 Don't ever say it's over I'm breathin. 一息尚存,永不言弃 Racing to the moon light and l'm speedin. 朝着月光,不断加速 I'm heading to the star. 冲向那颗星 Ready to go far. 已整装待发 I'm star walkin. 我在星辰漫步 On the mission to the high up. 肩负着使命想达到巅峰 I know l'm die for a life that I really need at all. 为获得我想要的生活奋不顾身 Never listen to replies, learn a lesson from the wise. 不听谗言妄语,只听智者慧言 Your should never take advice from a nigga that ain't try. 不能接受从没努力过的那帮人的建议和指挥 They said I would'nt make it out alive. 他们说我会一败涂地 They told me I would never see the rise. 他们告诉我永远看不到日出 That's why I gotta kill them everyone. 为此我将会扫除一切证明自己 Don't ever say it's over I'm breathin. 一息尚存,永不言弃 Racing to the moon light and l'm speedin. 朝着月光,不断加速 I'm heading to the star. 冲向那颗星 Ready to go far. 已整装待发 I'm star walkin. 我在星辰漫步 Being that nigga since I came out of my momma. 自从我被我母亲生下以来我就是那个唯一 Thank god dad never wore a condom. 谢谢父亲没在那天带该死的安全套 Prove em wrong everytime till it's normal. 一次次证明他们是错的直到一切变得寻常 Why worship legends when you can join them. 当你能成为传奇为什么要加入他们 These nigga don't like me, they don't like me. 这帮家伙不喜欢我,他们不喜欢我 Likely, they do want fight me. 他们还想和我比划拳头 Come on, try it out, try me. 来吧,尝试一下,试试我的力量 They put me down, but I never cried out. 即使把我击倒在地,我也不会掉下眼泪 Why me? 想知道为什么是我? Words from the wise. 这是智者的慧言 Don't put worth inside a nigga that ain't try. 不会把价值放在一个不努力尝试的人身上 They said I wouldn't make it out alive. 他们说,我这是自掘坟墓 They told me I would never see the rise. 他们告诉我永远看不到未来 That's why I gotta kill them everyone. 为此我将会消灭他们一个不留 Don't ever say it's over I'm breathin. 一息尚存,永不言弃 Racing to the moon light and l'm speedin. 朝着月光,不断加速 I'm heading to the star. 冲向那颗星 Ready to go far. 已整装待发 I'm star walkin. 我在星辰漫步 Don't ever say it's over I'm breathin. 一息尚存,永不言弃 Racing to the moon light and l'm speedin. 朝着月光,不断加速 I'm heading to the star. 冲向那颗星 Ready to go far. 已整装待发 I'm star walkin. 我在星辰漫步 (缓慢速) Don't ever say it's over I'm breathin. 一息尚存,永不言弃 Racing to the moon light and l'm speedin. 朝着月光,不断加速 I'm heading to the star. 冲向那颗星 Ready to go far. 已整装待发 I'm star walkin. 我在星辰漫步 以上便是小编为大家带来的全部内容,感兴趣的小伙伴可以去体验一下。更多消息和内容关注本站,之后会持续给大家带来更多全新的内容。 |